Thursday, March 27, 2008

People in my life

There are a few types of people in my life:
  1. My relatives. As I am a silent person and do not like to talk much, I'm afraid, I can not talk to my relatives properly.
  2. People, whom I get to know and fall in love with. It does not matter whether it is a boy or a girl. So that I feel very nervous around them and can not talk to them and they are going to the next type:
  3. People, whom I get to know, but talk little to them and they are moving on to be with someone else. There is a variation - people, who do not suspect me to want to be with them, because they are going to the previous type.
  4. People, who does not really care about me, caring about themselves or someone else, who are definitely dearer to them than I am, so that we are on good terms. They are acquaintances.
  5. Other people, whom I see every day but do not say more than 5-15 words ever.
Well, I am trying to be more sociable but that's so hard. I mean... I am in depression right now.

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