Saturday, March 15, 2008

Horrible Mistakes

Well, well, well. I want to sleep. This morning I have fallen asleep and awoke with my alarm about 8 times from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. I didn't really want to go to school, but at the 8th time I woke up and there was a mist outside so I decided to go and take the fog into my lungs. I like such weather as it has a high humidity and the air is cool. He-he...
I slept 5 hours and a half tonight. Just tell me why there are so many good movies to watch? I think it was a mistake to watch Jumper again. I spent my sleeping hours to see what I have already seen. That's not good. I have a history lecture for the whole 3 hours in a row with 10 minutes break today. I feel I will snore while slumbering all the time. Hoot!

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