Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Guraipu Mentos

I am watching Scrubs and eating grape mentos (or "Gu-ra-i-pu" mentos because it is from Japan, I don't know why, though).
And you know what was on my mind all this time? Here:
What is the worst thing ever? It is thinking: "I know I could..."

So, there was the 4th May a week before. I had been studying for three days then and I wrote this Law work in the University. Well, I know that I wrote wrong answers for some questions and I didn't have enough time for a few last tasks. But that was a good experience for me to take the first serious thing and to prepare for it. I thought I would be preparing for this for 2 months (March-April) but to be honest I really worked for only 3-4 hours a day for 4 days. That is definitely not good, but it somehow worked. And then the problem popped up. I have been working hard to get prepared for this Law competition and after all this was over I did not know what to do next. I mean I knew that I had a lot of things to be done but I could not begin. Somebody told me to wait and rest for a few days. And looking back I realize I did not do anything since this time.
Ah, well, I saw an Iron Man film. It was good. I liked it the most of all Marvell movies so far because Iron Man is a man and not circumstances but he himself made everything with his hands and brains. And this is kind of inspiring.
And now I think of finding a man in real life who was kind of no-one and became a successful person. Do you know any? By the way, I feel sad because there are no comments on my posts. Tell me I am not alone =)

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